IDD Gilded Dragon Guild





please see IDD Metalsmiths' Guild for additional listing for resources, stores and schools






Gæira's Anvil (A&S)

IDD Metalsmiths' Guild


IDD Gilded Dragon Guild *

IDD Metalsmiths’ Guild

IDD Textile Artisans' Guild

Gaeira's Anvil

Barony de L’IDD


Greetings to all who read these words,

The L'Île du Dragon Dormant Gilded Dragon (IDD Guilded Dragon or IDDGD) is a beautification Guild for the adornment of IDD's encampment, court and events through decorations (banners, standards, seat covers, etc), feast gear, largess and many other items created by the great talent of its creative and artistic populous.

Please take a look at our past Facebook posts for inspiration, DIY projects, and resources.

With enough interest I hope to have workshop days to complete personal and group projects, and for workshops.

You can join the Facebook group by clicking on the 'Join Group' button in upper right hand corner of our Facebook page. Upcoming meetings, the dates of workshops, and general information can be found here.

Instructors from outside of IDD will be traveling to our fair lands to share their skills and passions with us as well. All workshops will be posted on our Facebok group page and our classes page.

In Service,
Lady Gæira Aggadóttir
Guild Founder

Barony de L'Ile du Dragon Dormant
(IDD), in the Crown Principality of Tir Mara, in the East Kingdom of the SCA

The East Kingdom University with a teacher database.

Copyright 2013-2014
All Rights Reserved
